Galatians 1:10
Hey beautiful
Have you ever noticed how the more you grow in your faith, the more challenging it becomes to stay humble?
When I surrendered to God, I was on my knees in my dad’s living room after yet another breakup.
I was in the most humble state—having lost most of my business post-COVID, had to move back to my home state, and was enduring heartbreak, with tears on my pillow each night.
I needed God. I had nothing, no one to turn to, but Him.
I know we don’t like it, but He is pleased when we reach this state of neediness toward Him.
Only He can fill our needs. No one else. Not a job, a partner, a new car or house, or a certain amount of money. Only Him.
Isn’t it funny how, after reaching the lowest of lows and drawing closer to God, pride can quietly creep in?
It’s a subtle trap, but one that can have profound consequences if we don’t guard our hearts.
I’ve been reflecting on the Apostle Paul. Despite his deep spiritual maturity and experiences with Christ, God allowed his trials that kept him humble.
Paul had a “thorn in the flesh,” given to him by Satan. Yet God allowed it as a form of protection. Why?
To keep him from becoming puffed up with pride.
God knew that as Paul ascended spiritually, pride could easily take root, just as it did with Satan. And God doesn’t want us to fall like he did.
A once humble saint can grow in influence, and then face a fork in the road:
Will I choose the pride of life and bask in the glory of likes and followers?
Or will I take the humble, narrow road on my knees?
Before His ministry took off, Jesus faced the satanic lure of the pride of life in the wilderness. Take note of the time Satan lures us with pride. Pride comes before the fall… Pride nullifies destines…
Satan took Jesus to a mountain peak and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. “I will give it all to you,” he said, “if you will kneel down and worship me.”
Barf. Satan is desperate for attention and eyes on him instead of on the only worthy One – God.
This is what can happen to us when we have an unmet love void that only the Father can fill.
Satan might not be tempting you with worldly power, but he may be tempting you to lord your knowledge over others so they think you’re so very smart.
He may be tempting you to enter into that wrong relationship so you can get your fleshly needs met.
Maybe he’s tempting you to chase money and riches so you can elevate yourself above your neighbor, instead of shifting your focus and asking, “How can I serve and love my neighbor today?”
Perhaps you’ve had a disagreement with a friend, and Satan is tempting you to isolate and cut them off – knowing all well that isolation wreaks havoc in the spiritual life of a believer. It’s the best place he can manipulate and control your thoughts in the absence of community and wise counsel.
Jesus wasn’t afraid to show His humanity, His struggles, or His need for community.
He modeled what it means to be vulnerable and authentic in a world that often demands perfection.
(Matthew 26:38)
Jesus wasn’t afraid to express His emotional vulnerability to His disciples. He wasn’t hiding His fear or pain. He acknowledged His human weakness and invited others into that moment with Him.
(John 13:5)
Jesus also modeled humility by taking on the role of a servant, doing something that was vulnerable and humbling in front of His disciples.
He didn’t need to maintain a perfect image—He showed them authenticity, love, and care.
Jesus, who was without sin, knew that His true worth wasn’t in how He appeared or how others perceived Him.
He knew His identity was secure in the Father’s love.
As Christians, our identity is rooted in Christ—not in our image, our outward perfection, or our ability to perform.
Satan deceived Eve in by appealing to her pride, telling her that eating the forbidden fruit would make her “like God.” (Genesis 3:1-5)
This lie was rooted in pride—both Satan’s and Eve’s—and it led to humanity’s fall into sin.
So, what did Jesus do when tempted with the pride of life? He answered, “Get out of here, Satan! For the Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the LORD your God and serve only Him.’”
Well, you know the saying: “What you feed grows.”
Are you listening to the lies of the enemy, telling you you’re better than others and that you’re entitled to this and that?
Or are you feeding on God’s Word and living as a vessel of God, serving others?
Fasting, trials, and tribulations are the very things that keep us desperate for God and humble before Him.
(Proverbs 12:1)
The key to walking in humility and growing in spiritual maturity lies in how we handle correction—whether from God or others.
When we’re wise, we embrace discipline because we know it’s from a loving Father who desires to mold us into His image.
Humility is not natural to us—it’s a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
Ask God to help you humble yourself, to see things from His perspective, and to develop a heart that is willing to listen, learn, and grow from challenging situations.
In the online course Found in Him we learn how we uncover our true, authentic identity as daughters of God.
I still struggle with needing validation and encouragement.
While we all need this as humans, I should get it from God first if I want to be secure in my identity and unshaken when trials come.
If we go to God first in all things and are filled by Him, we will less shaken in the storms of life. Because He equips us with His love, which means we become strong in our identity and who He says we are, not the world.
If you’ve ever struggled with pride, unforgiveness, or simply want to draw closer to God and His purpose for you, I’d love for you to join Found in Him. Join now.
As you begin to lean into God’s love and embrace your weaknesses as opportunities for growth, the need for self-protection and validation will diminish, and you’ll find freedom in Jesus’ love.
God bless you, might woman of God.
Sarah | Woman of Faith xxx
(Philippians 3:8-9)
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Jesus has my heart, I love my Jack Russell, Bear, and all things creative and beautiful.
After striving on my own and facing heartbreak after heartbreak, I found myself brought to my knees in my dad’s living room, crying out to God. That moment marked the beginning of my journey back to my first love—Jesus.
I’m here to help women encounter His love and be transformed in their identity, so they can walk powerfully in their anointing.
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