Personal Move + Transition

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Oh taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusts in Him. Psalm 34:8

Hey beautiful,

Recently, I was asked to move out of the place I was living. It wasn’t something I planned or expected. 

Life took an unexpected turn, and suddenly I had just six weeks to find a new place. 

The housing market here is tough, and with so many uncertainties, it would have been easy to succumb to overwhelm. With added financial constraints, it felt like one of those moments where you’re staring into the unknown, wondering, How am I going to make this work?

Only God could make this happen. 

In that moment of uncertainty, I realized I was at a crossroads.

Would I let stress and anxiety take over, like the old Sarah? Or would I choose to put my trust in God, asking Him to work everything out and releasing my desire for control?

I chose the latter (she’s learning, folks). I’ve been declaring over myself that I am a woman marked by peace. Worry not, God says. 

I don’t want disobedience to His commands to dictate my life any longer. I’m supposed to be a new creation. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.

The past 5–7 years have been a long and confusing transition, with the last three being a major wilderness season. I’ve never experienced God so strongly, even in seasons of minimal living. 

God allowed this stripping season so I could learn to lean on Him. 

He’s been my source in all areas—emotionally, financially, relationally, and spiritually. And being asked to leave my home was a final test of everything I had learned about God’s character, love, and provision. Would I continue to trust Him and rest in His peace, letting His authority take the lead?

For five weeks, I hadn’t found a place to stay, and with just one week left, I still had no direction. But despite the uncertainty, I felt a deep peace and a reminder not to make decisions in my own strength or flesh. I wanted to be faithful, trusting that God would come through for me.

In the 11th hour, I was offered two places to stay. Thank You, Jesus. 

I had to laugh—the places I had looked at didn’t work out, and God presented two options to me that I had nothing to do with. 

I chose the one I felt was God’s “yes” as my peace remained intact.

God showed up in the most tender, beautiful way, proving that He is faithful and cares about the “little things” in our lives. The timing of everything was so perfectly orchestrated, down to the tiniest detail. It could only be His hand at work, not mine.

The morning of my move fell on a weekend, which worked out perfectly because my brother was free to help. Unfortunately, the weather forecast had predicted heavy rain that weekend, which meant the move could have been a drenched disaster. My brother brought changes of clothes, thinking we would be completely soaked. But God. 

The morning of my move, the rain completely stopped. As we moved the last pieces of furniture into the new place, we even saw sunshine. 

Then, just as my brother finished helping, the rain poured down again. 

I moved in silent awe of God, humbled that He would care so much for the details—like stopping the rain so my things wouldn’t get wet. Am I saying the move was easy? No. 

The morning of the move, I woke up feeling incredibly alone. 

I didn’t have anyone with me on the last day in the home I’d lived in the past year. I couldn’t help but shed a few tears, wishing I had a husband to help with things like disassembling furniture, providing the tools (the name of which I had forgotten—like an Allen key), or lifting heavy items. 

When my brother arrived, he saw my tears and gave me a big bear hug. His presence and support meant so much to me.

Moving is usually filled with hiccups, and I was worried there might be complications with my previous residence. But God provided His goodness and care. 

There were no issues, no delays—everything just flowed. 

Honestly, it felt like the most peaceful move I’ve ever experienced. No stress, no frustration—just the sweet assurance that God was handling it all, even amidst some sadness. 

I’m so grateful for my brother’s help, and for men in general, who are capable of so many things. 

I sat on the front porch eating breakfast with a few tears rolling down my face, feeling both lonely and grateful. When my brother hugged me, I felt even more emotional about his presence.

God was there, and He sees it all. We are never truly alone, even when it feels that way. God has orchestrated everything for you. He knew I would feel this way but He also knew good things were ahead.

God spoke to me recently during a time of worship and said: “I want you to stop expecting the worst. 

I need you to stop looking through the lens of negativity, shaped by your past, and start expecting My goodness.”

This struck me deeply. 

I knew my mind often reverted to negativity, but I didn’t realize how pervasive it was. God was saying, I want you to trust Me. I have good things for you. I made you. How will My mighty hand not provide for you, My precious daughter?

So, I made the decision not to stress about the uncertain housing situation and financial strain. I chose to trust that God is my provider, my Waymaker, and that He would always make a way. Even though I couldn’t see it yet, I chose to trust that He had a plan for me.

If you’re in a waiting or unknown season , I want to encourage you today to lean into God, wait on Him and see how He moves on your behalf.  

“Therefore the LORD waits to be gracious to you, and therefore He exalts Himself to show mercy to you.” (Isa 30:18)

He does so much inside of us during the waiting. The world tells us to hurry and act, but God says, Be still and know that I am God. We move when He tells us to, when we feel His peace and His “go”. 

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isa 30:21)

Right now I’m sitting in my new local café, nestled on a hilltop with a breathtaking view. The weather was supposed to be sweltering, but instead, there’s a cool breeze kissing my face. 

Sipping my coffee with laptop open, I can’t help but smile at the stillness around me. I feel wrapped in God’s peace, surrounded by His love. 

Worship music in ear, I can’t help but tear up in gratitude. I just love enjoying God’s sweet, tender presence. And I’m grateful—grateful for His faithfulness and care in both the big and small things.

Wait for Jehovah, and keep His way, and He will exult you. (Ps 37:34)

God is faithful. He knows exactly what you need, and He has a plan that’s far greater than anything you could have imagined. 

Sometimes we want to rush ahead, but when we rest in His presence and trust His timing, He shows us just how intricately He’s been working behind the scenes. 

From the timing of my move, to the weather, to the seamless transition, even a surprise harvest from a seed I planted years ago—God’s been there all along, weaving it together. I know I can trust Him. And so can you 🙂

He has something planned for you. Maybe you can’t see it yet. Maybe you’re in a season of waiting or transition. But I want to encourage you to surrender your desires to Him. Let go of control and allow Him to surprise you. Even if it’s the 11th hour, He will come through for you, too. 

I’ve tried to rush God’s work in my life, forcing things to happen before their time, but I’m learning to trust that He’s got this. And also, the stress and striving is just not worth it. I’ve learned that God’s timing is always right, even when I can’t see it in the moment.

The journey of trusting Him amidst uncertainty is reaps rewards. He is the rewarder of our faith. Place your faith in His capable and mighty hand. It’s okay to waver, but it should be our joy to thank Him in advance and let Him reward us for our faith. He is a Father who delights in giving good gifts to His children—gifts wrapped in His love, perfect in every way, better than what we can muster up ourselves. 

You may be in the middle of a move, transition, or a waiting season. While it might feel uncomfortable, unknown, or even a little scary, know this: God knows how to hold you in His hands. You can worry and doubt, but He is still holding you. His peace remains beneath our stresses. Let Him wipe the anxiety away.

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isa 40:31)

Trust Him, my sweet friend. Trust that He is working things out for you, even when you can’t see it yet. He will never fail you. I know the waiting is hard, but when the storm settles, you will see the beauty of His plans unfold. His promises are sure, and He will move heaven and earth on your behalf.

Let God’s purifying waters flow over you. Let Him take the time He needs to refine your heart. You are not waiting for nothing. You are waiting for a mighty move of God in your life—one that will renew your strength and fill you with His peace. His timing is always perfect. Always.

God bless you, mighty woman of God.

Sarah | Woman of Faith xx

“In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and trust shall be your strength.’” (Isa 30:15)
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Hey, I’m Sarah Rose

the girl behind Woman of Faith

Jesus has my heart, I love my Jack Russell, Bear, and all things creative and beautiful.

After striving on my own and facing heartbreak after heartbreak, I found myself brought to my knees in my dad’s living room, crying out to God. That moment marked the beginning of my journey back to my first love—Jesus.

I’m here to help women encounter His love and be transformed in their identity, so they can walk powerfully in their anointing.

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