Hey beautiful
December has been a month that has left me nearly speechless.
I’ve needed to be still, take rest, and process the overwhelming challenges that have come my way. This month has been marked by:
And let’s not even get started on the deep desires of my heart—the things I’ve been praying to God about for years…
God has certainly been exercising my long-suffering muscle. But I know His promises are coming soon.
It’s a new season—I can feel it in my spirit. Be encouraged.
Life isn’t easy. This is the biblical way. No one walks an effortless path.
He has never failed me. Even though it’s been tough, He has been proving through it all that He is worthy of my trust and that His faithfulness is unshakable.
Even when it feels like the 11th hour, I’m learning to build my faith, declaring to Him, “I believe, I trust, and I know You are God.”
I’m grateful for these trials because they are refining me.
The tests are pushing me to a place of abandoned trust in my King.
Turns out, I’m kind of thriving on this thriller of a faith journey.
Not knowing, but thanking God and surviving on His joy, makes me feel young and free again. Maybe none of us were meant to live mundane, everyday, same-same lives.
As I flex my faith muscles, I’m determined to come out of this season like gold—wrapped in peace and glowing with the reflection of His presence.
He strengthens us in Him before leading us to greater things—it’s His loving protection at work.
Which brings me to you and your path.
God often breaks us before building us back up, and this process is anything but easy. But, if you’ve faced battle after battle yet continued to pray, trust, and believe in His promises, then you are on the brink of a breakthrough.
I believe 2025 will be a year of reward for His remnant—perhaps even sooner.
God is about to surprise us.
We’ve crossed over into a land of supernatural provision—a place where honey flows, wine is poured, and the fruit of our journeys has brought us to higher maturity, just as the harvest is ripe and ready.
The trials we’ve faced along the way have strengthened us, preparing us for what lies ahead. God is now able to entrust us with souls, ripe and ready for the further expansion of His Kingdom.
The church is called to be an army, and from the hidden caves and ashes, an army is rising. She is beautiful, refined by fire, and made pure like gold.
Those who’ve sown with what little they had, like the widow who gave her last two coins, are about to see an abundant harvest.
And those who chose to avoid the sin of grumbling and complaining, which grieves the Spirit, are about to reap the fruit of their tears. The sacrifice of their thanksgiving will soon turn into joy, awe, and a deep recognition of God’s unfailing goodness.
And as we approach Christmas, I want to remind you of this: you are never alone. Jesus came into the world so that we would always have His presence with us. He is Emmanuel—God with us.
Whether this season feels full of joy or heavy with trials, He sees you, loves you, and is walking with you every step of the way, and He has a plan for your future. One of hope. One of prosperity. All that you’ve walked through wasn’t to harm you, although the enemy wanted that, God will use it, and He is turning it all around for His glory.
If you’re feeling lonely or weary this Christmas, know that His arms are open wide, ready to embrace you with the peace and comfort only He can give. Let Him fill your heart with the hope of His promises and the assurance that brighter days are ahead. The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Rom 8:18)
You are deeply loved dearest sister, and you matter to Him.
Hold onto His faithfulness, because He holds onto you.
PS. If you struggle to trust God, His good plans, or His timing—come and join ‘Found in Him’, a space where we walk together, grow in our identity, and learn to trust God fully, even when life feels unknown.
You can also join our WhatsApp community here, and connect with other women on the same journey and for prayer. Prayer moves mountains.
God bless you in abundance.
Sarah | Woman of Faith xx
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Jesus has my heart, I love my Jack Russell, Bear, and all things creative and beautiful.
After striving on my own and facing heartbreak after heartbreak, I found myself brought to my knees in my dad’s living room, crying out to God. That moment marked the beginning of my journey back to my first love—Jesus.
I’m here to help women encounter His love and be transformed in their identity, so they can walk powerfully in their anointing.
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Hello, dear reader. I’m so thrilled you picked up this book. Welcome.
Secondly, I assume that you’ve faced some (ok, many) trials, tribulations, and downright hard times in your life. If you’re anything like me, these events have left you wondering once (or 20 billion times) why things have to be so difficult. Sometimes life can feel like you’re pushing poop up hill and you find yourself asking all kinds of questions.
Why haven’t my plans come to fruition, even though I worked hard?
Why aren’t things working out for me easily like they are for that person?
Soon all you can see is another person’s happiness set against your own troubles. They seem to have their whole life together! They live in ease, with a gorgeous husband or wife and kids. Or they have the career of their dreams. Meanwhile, you’re stuck in a place that you didn’t choose and don’t like at all. The hard times can seem never ending.
If you’re not where you want to be in life – I get it. This book is for you.
Not too long ago, I felt just the same. I was lost, but far too confused to realise it. All the time that I was feeling defeated, I pretended that everything was okay. But it wasn’t. Deep down, I was sad. I kept myself as busy as possible to avoid coming to terms with the reality of that sadness.
I can now look back and see that for most of my 20s and early 30s, I was a little lost sheep in a big bad world. I wanted to have my life figured out. I acted as though I did. But who was I kidding? Who has their whole life figured out by the time they’re 30?
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We all need to be encouraged and boosted in our faith. Sometimes we just need to know we’re not alone. We’re in this world but not of it. Come and join a community of women <3
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