Hey beautiful
The past month has been rough.
Not sure about you. It’s been a whirlwind to say the least (insert nervous laughing emoji)
The trials. The betrayals. The letdowns. The tests.
Tests on my heart! Tests on my character!
Doesn’t it suck that just when you think you’re doing good, thinking God sees you as His sweet little soul whom He ever so loves, then BAM! Trial. Setback.
Cue: ugly attitude.
Complaints. Tears.
And before you know it, your heart is cold and bitter toward God because “He allowed this to happen. Why God?” (Please tell me I’m not the only one? Don’t leave me hanging here…)
Following some spiritual attacks attempting to knock me out (which God, in His mercy, ever so kindly revealed to me in dreams), there have been disappointments in friendships I thought would last (ones I didn’t ask the Lord about. Sometimes God’s protection can feel like rejection). And the beginning of this month met me with some news that I don’t yet have a solution for.
I can’t see a way out. It doesn’t look great, leaving me feel like I have very limited options.
I’m forced to trust God. To have faith in His goodness and provision. I am waiting for a door only He can only open.
I know things have been tough lately for the body of Christ. This year we’ve been in the refiner’s fire.
He hasn’t forgotten you. His plans for you are good, and they are still yes and amen.
I want to remind you—to cling to God. He’s still got you. He is still the same today as He was yesterday, and His character and nature remain the same tomorrow – loving, kind, gentle, and powerful.
Sometimes, difficult situations are God’s tests.
And while I hate to say it – it’s all for a purpose.
He wants you to prosper, to grow in emotional and spiritual maturity, and rely on Him during hardships, so you can disciple others with grace and wisdom.
When things don’t happen according to your timeline (story of my life!) it could be a test.
God used delays in Abraham’s life to teach him patience and trust (Genesis 21:1-3). He had to wait 25 years! David had to wait 15 years to become king. Hannah had to wait to bear a son, Samuel.
But “The LORD remembered her” (1 Samuel 1:19).
Don’t despair. God is working sovereignly behind the scenes. His plan is already in motion. He’s inviting you to trust Him with complete abandon.
You’re facing an impossible situation. Maybe you lost your job. You’re behind on bills. You see no way out.
I’m in that situation right now. Just yesterday, I received news that felt impossible, but my first reaction was, “Yay, thank you God! I know You’re working. There’s something new ahead.”
But then, five minutes later, worry crept in. “How am I going to get through this? It looks impossible.”
I’m in a test. One I’ve failed many times, but one I’m determined to stay dead to my flesh during. That flesh wants to panic and take control, but somehow, God is stripping that away. Thanks, Lord!
Your situation is in His hands. He loves you too much to let you go hungry or without. His Word says:
This test could be God revealing your fears, inviting you to grow in faith by removing them. Is anything too wonderful for Him?
Just as the Israelites faced the Red Sea and an Egyptian army behind them, God told Moses, “Why do you cry out to me?” (even though Moses didn’t literally cry out, but in his heart he did).
God told them to stand firm, trust, and move forward.
He will make a way where there is no way. This season, you’ll move forward by faith. God’s got this.
Struggling financially?
Sometimes, God allows us to face lack like He did with Israel in the wilderness (Deuteronomy 8:3). This is to teach us dependence on Him and to perfect our character.
He’s not done yet. He’ll come through for you. This is a beautiful opportunity to trust Him and watch how He provides (because He will!).
Suffering, like Job endured (Job 1:20-21), can be a test of trust and faithfulness.
Job didn’t go through what he did because of something he did wrong, but because of what he did right.
When answers seem far away, God uses these trials to build our faith.
God is a rewarder of our faith and is able to give us double for our trouble.
When you’re tempted to take shortcuts or compromise your values, it’s a test of your integrity.
God refined Daniel’s character in this way (Daniel 6:10). Was he going to partake of the worldly things, or serve His God with a pure and undefiled heart?
Integrity means your inner thoughts, feelings, and intentions align with your outward actions. Stay the course.
Sometimes, when we’re struggling ourselves, God asks us to help someone else. This is a beautiful kind of test.
Just like Joseph helped the men in prison, even when he was forgotten, God never forgot him. He came through for Joseph at the right, appointed time (Genesis 39:4-5).
How much do we trust God to use us in any situation?
If you feel like God is silent, remember the last thing He spoke to you.
Note: It’s good to make a habit of writing it down so you can easily refer back to it—it shows faithfulness. When you’re faithful in the little, He’ll trust you with more. This is a test in itself. What do you do with God’s rhema Word?
God has been training you your whole life up until this point.
Jesus experienced this silence in the wilderness and on the cross when He felt abandoned by God.
It’s not abandonment, but a part of the process. Pass the test!
Trust that He is with you, working in ways you can’t always see.
PS. If you struggle to trust God, His good plans, or His timing—I’d love for you to join ‘Found in Him’. A space where we walk together, grow in our identity and learn to trust God fully, even when life feels out of sync.
You can also join our WhatsApp community here, and connect with other women on the same journey and for prayer. Prayer moves mountains.
God bless you in abundance.
Sarah | Woman of Faith xx
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Jesus has my heart, I love my Jack Russell, Bear, and all things creative and beautiful.
After striving on my own and facing heartbreak after heartbreak, I found myself brought to my knees in my dad’s living room, crying out to God. That moment marked the beginning of my journey back to my first love—Jesus.
I’m here to help women encounter His love and be transformed in their identity, so they can walk powerfully in their anointing.
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