From Disappointment to Revival 🔥

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“The trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire” (1 Peter 1:7)


Hey beautiful

Have you had faith in God, but then things haven’t panned out?

I know moments of personal disappointment can shake up your mindset, and even affect your faith.

I don’t know about you, but there are times when life doesn’t go as planned, and our hopes and dreams seem to fade. 

In those moments, it can feel like we’re consumed in unfulfilled promises and unmet expectations, uncertain about our future.

I’ve been there sister. More times than I care to admit.

It’s easy to feel stuck in these moments, lower our standards, and forget we are daughters of a King who lavishes gifts on His children. 

Here we are wondering, ‘Did I miss it God? Did I hear from God wrong? Should I let go of the promises I’ve been holding on to?’

Maybe everything you’ve prayed for feels out of reach. Maybe you’re even mad at God. (Don’t worry, He can handle that.)

Even in deep disappointment, God is still moving. His plans are still unfolding.

Though we can’t see it, His Spirit is working, preparing your heart for something bigger than you can understand right now.

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us. (Eph 3:20)

I’m reminded of a dream I had about my brother, Joshua. When Joshua appears in my dreams, he represents Jesus (as the name “Joshua” and “Jesus” mean “The Lord is Salvation.”)

In this dream, I was with Josh aka Jesus. And Cassandra, whose name means “confused”, was there on a couch (couch means rest). 

I had my phone with me (which represents communication), but the screen was scratched—(scratches represent hurt. A phone can also represent your heart). 

In the dream, I started releasing my emotions toward Josh/Jesus, even raising my voice, and yelling at Him. Jesus didn’t retaliate. He didn’t leave. He just remained calm with me, letting me express my frustration.

Jesus was showing that my dream spoke to the disappointment I’ve been carrying. 

I didn’t want to yell at Him in the dream, but I also didn’t want to be fake or hide my feelings. 

I must admit, it felt good to release my real emotions. It felt even better that He didn’t get upset at me. Thank You Jesus for being there for us women, seeing our hearts, and never leaving us, amen. 

It’s been over 3 years of holding on to a promise that was revealed to me, one I’m still waiting to show up. 

Even in my frustration, Jesus is saying; “I’m here. I haven’t left you. I love you and I have a plan you can’t see yet. In the waiting, I want you to share your real and raw emotions with me.” 

Many of us are in this place of battle weariness and disappointment – disappointment in God, if some of us are honest. 

He doesn’t mind if you cry out to Him, or even yell in anger. God invites us to be honest with Him. That’s what relationship requires – honesty. 

It’s often said that what we see in the physical realm is what’s happening in the spiritual realm. Just like the recent fires in California, God wants to prune, burn away the old, and purify us. He is the Lamb, but also the fiery Lion who chastens those He loves, and He sometimes lets us be shaken so we can shed what we don’t need in this new season.

Back in August, I dreamt of a fireball hitting the earth, followed closely by a wave of God’s Spirit. You can read the email here. 

I believe the fire represents the trials we’ve been facing, but also the purification that’s taking place in the church. 

The good news is that after the fire comes the wave of His Spirit, bringing revival, renewal, and restoration, hallelujah. 

I believe we are on the edge of something significant . 

After the fire, there’s the outpouring of God’s Spirit.

But we can’t skip the fire. 

The pain, the waiting, the refining—these are all part of God’s process to prepare us for what’s coming. 

It’s in these seasons of disappointment but also anticipation for the new, that He’s shaping us to be able to receive and handle the new.

God doesn’t enjoy our suffering, but He knows that through it, we become more like Him. 

The fire leaves us pure and prepares us to walk in what He has coming next. 

Out of His love, God doesn’t want you to go prematurely or before you are ready. He also wants to be your refreshing after battle. 

Sometimes when we feel the weight of disappointment the most, God is preparing to pour out His Spirit in greater measure. 

He wants your faith in these moments. I know it’s hard. This might be why our faith is more precious than gold to Him. 

Please know, my dear sister, that your trials set you up for God’s coming revival.

Yes, the pain is real. Yes, the waiting is hard. I’m right here with you, feeling the weariness, crying out to God (and also repenting of my complaining). 

Let’s not lose sight of what’s ahead – revival, restoration, and a wave of God’s Spirit that will touch your life and the world in ways we can’t even imagine.

You are not meant to stay in the wilderness forever. You’re leaving Egypt. God is moving, even when we can’t see it physically. You’ve grown so much stronger through your trials . More than you know right now. 

After the fire, comes the water. The outpouring of His presence will renew and restore you. Your story isn’t over . In fact, it’s just beginning.

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18)

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19)

If you’re in a season of disappointment or feel like the fire is too much to bear, I want to encourage you: you are not abandoned. God has been refining His body and He has been preparing you for what’s ahead . 

Well done, good and faithful servant. You’re coming out of this season purified like gold. 

If we fall, God is merciful. He pulls us up from the miry clay, sets our feet upon a rock, and establishes our goings.

So get excited . What’s ahead is a wave of His Spirit, a revival that will touch your life and the world. 

Stay faithful, and stay in the Word—this was the key warning in my dream!

After the hardship, there is restoration. After the threshing and winnowing, there is revival and promises fulfilled.

Keep trusting God.
Keep holding on to the hem of His garment.

The fire gives way to the water of His presence. It will all be worth it, my dear sister. You will even thank God for the hard times, because of what they’ve forged in you, you mighty warrior of God 🔥

You’re coming out stronger, bolder, fiercer, and more on fire for Him. 

Standing in faith with you.

Sarah | Woman of Faith xx

P.S. Remember, faith is more valuable to God than gold. He knows what you’re going through, and He is with you in the fire. Keep trusting in Him and His promises. His Spirit is moving upon the dry land, and revival is on the way.

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Hey, I’m Sarah Rose

the girl behind Woman of Faith

Jesus has my heart, I love my Jack Russell, Bear, and all things creative and beautiful.

After striving on my own and facing heartbreak after heartbreak, I found myself brought to my knees in my dad’s living room, crying out to God. That moment marked the beginning of my journey back to my first love—Jesus.

I’m here to help women encounter His love and be transformed in their identity, so they can walk powerfully in their anointing.

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