Hey beautiful
If you have a call on your life (you do), God will take you through a season of preparation.
And let’s be honest—this preparation is often challenging (okay, it’s always challenging).
But it’s in this season that we learn to rely on and lean into God like never before.
As Christians we’re all called to ministry in some way, whether it seems “big” or “small.”
If we are to truly serve in ministry for the Lord—and I believe every believer is in ministry—we need to have a pure heart. Why?
Because if our hearts aren’t pure, our ministry won’t be either.
By leaning into God’s voice and immersing ourselves in His Word, we’re guided into our true purpose and destiny.
Destiny won’t happen by following man’s opinions or even our own desires (I’ve learned that lesson the hard way).
Every Christian has a call and a purpose over their life. Including you. To find it, we need to follow and be led by God’s voice.
Are you walking confidently in who God made you to be? Do you know if you’re truly walking in your purpose? God forbid we miss everything He has in store for us…
I spent 31 years not realizing that God had a purpose for me. I thought my only task was to love Him, but I was a lukewarm Christian living in sin, blinded by the darkness around me.
Maybe your calling seems “small”—perhaps within your family—or maybe, like me, you’ve been unaware of the calling over your life.
We must seek God’s Spirit, His Word, and the Holy Spirit—not man’s opinion or any other worldly source—to discover our identity and purpose.
I invite you to join Found in Him – an online journey where we will unveil your true identity in Jesus and discover God’s purpose for your life.
As Christians, we know not to turn to horoscopes or palm readings; our true identity and purpose come only from God.
The more we press into God, the more He reveals our identity to us, and from that place, our purpose is unlocked.
Join me on this journey and let’s uncover your God-given destiny.
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God bless you, woman of God.
Sarah | Woman of Faith xx
thanks for stopping by
Jesus has my heart, I love my Jack Russell, Bear, and all things creative and beautiful.
After striving on my own and facing heartbreak after heartbreak, I found myself brought to my knees in my dad’s living room, crying out to God. That moment marked the beginning of my journey back to my first love—Jesus.
I’m here to help women encounter His love and be transformed in their identity, so they can walk powerfully in their anointing.
I felt lost for a long time in my work and business. I needed to know God’s plan and purpose for my life. I didn’t want to run with my own ideas anymore, let alone run my business in my own strength. I didn’t want to achieve my dream of marriage and kids – or anything – unless it was from God and blessed by Him. Everything else I’d tried to do in my own strength hadn’t worked in the past. It had all failed miserably. It had broken me and left me feeling lost.
I knew God’s plans for me wouldn’t break me; they would grow me. I also knew – because He is a good God – that my past of dating all the wrong men and going after everything in my life in my own strength would still be used for good. God is a God of grace. He is good, kind, slow to anger. His grace never runs out for the believer. He wants to bless us and see us prosper. We just have to follow, trust and obey Him, to see the fruits of our labour.
God answered my ‘Godly vision and purpose’ prayer. In the next few months after these prayers, God showed me things and told me things, all of which I’m about to tell you in the hope that it will plant a seed of hope for your future – the future God has for you.
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We all need to be encouraged and boosted in our faith. Sometimes we just need to know we’re not alone. We’re in this world but not of it. Come and join a community of women <3
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