Hey beautiful
Are you in a transition season?
Sometimes, the discomfort of your present situation is God’s way of showing you that:
I believe the church has been in the fire lately, and it’s felt extra hot.
From church hurts testing our faith to past issues challenging our heart posture and refining our character, God has been at work in His people.
Deep rooted issues bubbling to the surface means God is refining you and I; His church.
As you transition closer to your destiny, God will use uncomfortable moments to refine and strengthen your character – you’ll need it so He can position you for the greater work He’s calling you to do.
God uses hard times to strip away what no longer serves His purpose and to prepare us for the next step in His plan.
Maybe you’ve asked, “How can God turn this situation around for good?”
Maybe you’ve wanted to bow out completely…
Let me reassure you: He can turn it around, and He will.
I’ll be honest, the past few weeks I’ve felt the urge to avoid people and isolate. I have a past habit of leaving when times get tough.
But the Lord is gently teaching me to stand firm in my identity, embrace healthy conversations, and let go of my fear of confrontation. How can we be the leaders of the next generation if we can’t overcome our own battles with God’s help?
Much of my past was shaped by toxic family dynamics and relationships, so when conflicts arise, I’ve found it difficult to express myself out of fear of verbal attack or simply not being heard. Some may call this rejection or feeling misunderstood, which isn’t easy to deal with alone.
If you’ve ever felt this way, you are definitely not alone.
I’ve found that in places of transition, our character and hearts are tested.
The ironic thing is that when I have spoken up, I’ve been met with positive responses. This has not only given me confidence to continue to speak up and be secure in who God has called me to be, but it has also completely shattered my fear.
Many times, we are afraid of the past happening again. But that’s exactly what the enemy wants you to believe, and where he wants you to stay.
The real war is always over the same question, dating all the way back to Adam and Eve—whom will we believe? Whom will we listen to—God or the fear (aka the devil)?
I like the acronym used for FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real.
Fear is a lie and a clear tactic of the enemy. Much of what we fear never happens!
The enemy loves to isolate us and sow seeds of rejection in an attempt to keep us from reaching our God-given potential and purpose.
So , don’t listen to the fear or the lies of the enemy. Step up into your rightful position, which is the head and not the tail, and pass the test. You have God on your side. If He is for you, who can be against you?
Here are a few things that can happen when God wants to move you positionally:
Do you resonate with any of the above? You may be on the verge of transitioning into the new.
Make sure you ask God to strengthen you and help you to do the right thing. Pause: What would He tell you right now to do?
We are living in a time of entering divine purpose and assignments.
Many are feeling they’ve outgrown their current circumstances—whether it’s a place, season, or platform.
God declared to Abraham a commissioning: “Go to a land that I will show you.” He didn’t tell Abraham the plan. He told him to go. Will we be obedient to the Father’s leading?
God didn’t save us to settle on the lesser ground of salvation, living distracted, self-focused lives. He calls us to embrace spiritual training and discipline, equipping us to become strong soldiers for Christ.
When David was tested in the wilderness, it prepared him for Goliath.
You have been chosen by God in a private moment. Do the right thing when no one is watching. The private battles are won before the public battles. The public battles are the bridge that moves you from obscurity into destiny.
If you feel “stuck in the hallway” right now , it’s because you’re between where you’ve been and where you’re going. The in-between is confusing. Don’t lose hope or give up now. Keep praying for that thing you have been praying for.
We are being tested to stand firm in our identity in Jesus and to stand in love for one another. Now is a time to love our enemies and pray for those who curse us.
Keep your eyes on the One who knows the path ahead. Be obedient in faith. Know that God is with you. He sees you, and He will vindicate you and fight for you .
Stay faithful. He is the rewarder of your faith.
Keep your hope in the good plan He has for you, and keep sowing good seeds, even when times are difficult. I’m standing with you in prayer.
In hindsight, you’ll see how God used this season to prune, strengthen, and prepare you for what’s coming.
Remember: Don’t justify yourself to those who are committed to misunderstand you. God will fight for you and vindicate you in His timing.
If you keep your heart pure, forgive as God forgave you, and trust Him as you walk in His will – you won’t need to push or force anything.
As you seek God above all else, He will lead you via His peace, and He will promote you.
I’m praying for you in this season , that God’s presence will flow over you, His Word will guide you, and His love will strengthen you.
PS. If you struggle to trust God, His good plans, or His timing—come and join ‘Found in Him’. A space where we walk together, grow in our identity, and learn to trust God fully, even when life feels unknown.
You can also join our WhatsApp community here, and connect with other women on the same journey and for prayer. Prayer moves mountains.
God bless you in abundance.
Sarah | Woman of Faith xx
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Jesus has my heart, I love my Jack Russell, Bear, and all things creative and beautiful.
After striving on my own and facing heartbreak after heartbreak, I found myself brought to my knees in my dad’s living room, crying out to God. That moment marked the beginning of my journey back to my first love—Jesus.
I’m here to help women encounter His love and be transformed in their identity, so they can walk powerfully in their anointing.
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